Musings of a Dinosaur
A Family Doctor in solo private practice; I may be going the way of the dinosaur, but I'm not dead yet.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Marble Dinosaur Eggs:
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Well, I see two things:
(1) A bear with an alligator-head about to stick his snout into either (a) a dragon's mouth or (b) a clamp with a beard;
(2) a metaphorical reflection of Dr. Dino with way, way too much time on her hands.
Kensington MD
P.S. Oh, and "First!"
A T-rex and an elephant getting ready to duke it out on top of a mountain.
A pair of weasels having a turf battle.
It's a miniture unicorn charging at the arm of a (crawl) swimmer's arm, of course. The swimmer is about to hit the wall, though; someone better warn him about these two dangers.
Stop looking at me that way!
A curling match gone horribly awry.
An author getting ready to exact his revenge on a Publishers Weekly reviewer.
Or do I need stronger glasses?
I see the hand of a zombie coming up from the grave to grab a rabbit and drag it down to eat it.
Isn't this a painting, in Vatican City, done in warm colors?
I think that it's a brick wall with some melting ice in front of it! LOL Seriously, the right looks just like a bear on attack. Funny recent posts!
What's wrong with you people? It's an elephant feeding a hippo!
Remember Aliens? Yeah, these would be their arctic cousins preparing to duke it out over who gets to infect the next victim...
Looks like someone has fallen on their back (left) and another person is reaching out to help...
The creation as painted on the ceiling of the sistine chapel. Adam reaching out toward God.
a polar bear attacking a fleeing seal.
In the negative space between the icicles, I see Rocky Balboa on the Art Museum steps with his arms stretched up to the sky.
Here - I drew it for you -
I'm late to the party on this one, but to me that looks uncannily like the Flying Spaghetti Monster reaching out to man with His Noodly Appendage. Hmm.
To me it looks like two hood oranaments after a very bad crash.
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