RIP Marvel Battle Van

Also known as a 1999 Plymouth Voyager, with over 100,000 miles (not bad for a Chrysler product with the original engine and transmission), the Marvel Battle Van owes us nothing. For seven years it served me well; the remaining four years of its driveway tenure were in service to the Jock, who found it "convenient" (large and red enough to find in any parking lot; plenty of room for a team and its gear). It had begun sucking down money over the last few years, accelerating at a greater rate than it ever did on the highway -- which is saying something. For anyone who hasn't ridden a Voyager on the highway, that puppy can move!
The quest for new wheels is on, as the Jock and I bid a fond farewell to the last automotive vestiges of adolescence. To the Marvel Battle Van, we say Adieu; safe journeys to that great parking lot in the sky (or wherever Purple Heart takes it).
Until this past summer we also had a Plymouth Voyager. You were lucky and got a good one but ours was cursed and thus named VOTA - Van Of The Apocalypse. It looked all innocent - blandly white - but with it, we've hit more animals than imaginable including two deer on our first day of ownership. It had weird electrical problems - for example when I signed for a turn, the wipers might turn on or maybe the cruise control would start blinking. And finally it was a major money-suck. The Marvel Battle Van may RIP but VOTA can rot in H-E-double toothpicks.
I've had an '85 Dodge, '94 Chrysler, '96 Chrysler, and now a '06 Chrysler. Only the '94 had premature transmission failure replaced under warranty and the "06 had the rack and pinion go out. If you take care of them, they do fine.
I drove a 1995 toyota camry till190K plus then passed it on and she's going strong.I have a 2002 mini cooper gently used fab price, great gas mileage,with 4 snow tires she flies thru winter! I ADORE this car!!! buy one you will love it
this is really off topic, but..
it made me smile :)
BORDERS!?! Really?!? They refused to carry it when it first came out. I had to make sure to send everyone to B&N. Now it's in both?!? Who-hoo!! Thanks for letting me know.
My heart goes out to this fine vehicle and all the wonderful gifts it has given us. As the first car I've ever driven, MBV will always hold a special place in my heart.
PS, don't you think that when cars pass on, they go to highways?
NinjaBaker - nah, they're waiting for you on top of the Rainbow Bridge.
ChrisJ: You'd better keep the VOTA away from the Rainbow Bridge. Those poor animals have been through enough already. Then again, they're already dead, so I suppose you can't hurt them anymore.
My girlfriend had a Voyager that could really move. You had to watch the speedometer so you did not go too fast.
I have a 1992 Toyota Corolla that I bought brand new with 6 miles on it. It's still going strong at275,000 miles and 18 years old.
Sorry for the anon - I can't get it to take my Google password.
There is something magical about the 100,000 mile marker. I am proud to say I just hit it myself with my 02 Acura. An interesting side note I shut my garage door on my bumper yesterday and took off a little bit of paint. So a word to the wise…don’t shut your garage door on your car. :-)
I remember it well....
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