Bookstore Browsings
So there I was, wandering through my local Barnes & Noble the other day checking out my favorite professional section:

I must say, it's one (pretty cool) thing to actually hold your own published book in your hand. But seeing it on the bookshelf in an honest-to-deity bookstore, in public, for everyone to see (and hopefully buy) is an order of magnitude greater excitement.
This concludes our Saturday morning kvell. We now return you to your regularly scheduled weekend.
I believe my author friend has approached the local bookstores when she finds her books and asks them if they want any signed copies. Either way, congratulations! That's very cool.
I'm taking it on my vacation this week :-) Very good thus far.
AND next to no less than Atul Gawande!!
Let's hope it's as easy to find at my local B & N; it should be, given that the medical reference section is where I spend most of my time, too, even though I didn't make it to med school...if the book is anything like this blog, I'm sure it will be awesome!
Is there any sweeter view than your own book on the store shelves? Yes, as it turns out, there is...seeing people coming in and buying it. May your book sell out in mere days, Dino.
Can't wait to get my signed copy after your appearance on Sept. 12 in West Chester. Wish I could be there personally. Instead, family from the area is going for me.
Congratulations Dino, I think your blogs are on the money and hope your book is too! I do plan to pick one up the next time I can get to the big BN and help bring your sales ranks into the five figures! That'll be cooler than a palindrome!
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