Nick Genes created Grand Rounds. And the Rounds were unformed and void; and Nick Genes said, "
Let there be Hosts!" And there were Hosts; and Nick Genes saw that it was good, so he did
pre-Grand Rounds interviews with the Hosts on Medscape. And it came to pass that on May 20, 2008 Grand Rounds did come to be hosted by #1 Dinosaur, who was pleased as punch to be hosting for the second time.
Then Susan Palwick of
Rickety Contrivances of Doing Good was greatly blessed by the discovery that she was
Neither Ill nor Nuts.
The first submission.
Dr. Shock MD, PhD did ask if there is such a thing as
Vascular Depression, or if it is just "treatments seeking new markets."
The second submission.
And David Williams of the
Health Business Blog did
interview Rich Noffsinger, CEO of
SafeMed, a clinical decision support company based in San Diego.
The third submission.
And RLBates of
Suture for a Living did present a wonderful
review of Von Willebrand disease, wherein the blood flows freely; too freely.
The fourth submission.
And there was working and there was sleeping; the first day.
Then someone who's
not really a cowboy arose from the void and did summon his courage to submit to Grand Rounds for the first time, and was welcomed by #1 Dinosaur and the minions of the medical blogosphere; and he waxed eloquent on the topic of
obesity, and its measurement, and the pitfalls of the BMI, and the wonders of skin fold measurements. And it was very good.
The fifth submission.
How to Cope with Pain did describe different kinds of
pain occurring in Multiple Sclerosis.
The sixth submission.
And there was working and there was sleeping; the second day.
Then Peter Zavislak of
Medical Pastiche did wax eloquent on the topic of
Adverse Selection in health insurance.The seventh submission.
Clinical Cases did explain how to use your cell phone to
listen to medical podcasts.
The eighth submission.
Fat Doctor did see to it that a certain patient did
get what was coming to her. And it was very good.
The ninth submission.
Then Bob Coffield of the
Health Care Law Blog did
present the latest enforcement statistics of the legislative leviathan called HIPAA, showing -- surprise -- increases.
The tenth submission.
And Walter of
Highlight Health did share the results of a
fascinating experiment: apparently just remembering what you ate at lunch can actually decrease the urge to snack later in the day.
The eleventh submission.
Doc Gurley, upon discovering that she would be expected to exercise God-like powers in the event of a disaster, spent a day
pondering what that might be like.
The twelfth submission.
And there was working and there was sleeping; the third day.
Then Jolie Bookspan of
The Fitness Fixer did share an exercise designed to
strengthen the ankle, complete with video.
The thirteenth submission.
And Ian Furst of
Wait Time & Delayed Care did expound on the
alleged wonders of the almighty Web 2.0; and he saw that it was not good. (The claims for Web 2.0, that is; actually, his exact words were, "It's bullshit.) And it was very good. (The post, that is.)
The fourteenth submission.
The Blog that Ate Manhattan did celebrate the 125th birthday of the inventor of the Pap test with a
moving and appropriate post. Bet you didn't know who died of cervical cancer!
The fifteenth submission.
Insureblog did condemn a
foolhardy publicity stunt.
The sixteenth submission.
And Laurie Edwards of
A Chronic Dose did point out some
interesting relationships between socioeconomic class and the experience of chronic pain.
The seventeenth submission.
And Nancy Brown of
Teen Health 411 did share an amazing new
internet resource for locating nutritional data for more than 400 chain and fast-food restaurant choices.
The eighteenth submission.
And Sam Solomon of
Canadian Medicine did
vent his mighty wrath upon a recent BMJ article that said in part, "[P]eople don’t become doctors because they were destined to do so but because they weren’t good enough at anything else." And it was very good. (The blog post, that is; certainly NOT the BMJ article, which was deplorable.)
The nineteenth submission.
And there was working and there was sleeping; the fourth day.
Then Martina Scholtens of
FreshMD did suggest a simple and straightforward way to
obtain a sexual history.The twentieth submission.
And Paul Auerbach of
Medicine for the Outdoors did pontificate on the
dangers of hyponatremia, without watering anything down.
The twenty-first submission.
Dr. Penna did point out that NHS professionals in the UK are eligible to get Microsoft Office
really cheap.
The twenty-second submission.
And Dr. Trofatter of
Fruit of the Womb did expound on the
causes of polyhydramnios.
The twenty-third submission.
And Dr. Rich of
The Covert Rationing Blog did offer
proof that Warren Buffet reads his blog. And it was very good.
The twenty-fourth submission.
And Sandy Szwarc of
Junkfood Science did skillfully
deconstruct a study purporting to show frightening results about the effect of electromagnetic fields on premature infants. And it was very good.
The twenty-fifth submission.
And Dr. Val, the
Voice of Reason, did share
distasteful memories of post-operative travel, and fifth-floor walkups, and heartlessness incarnate.
The twenty-sixth submission.
And the good
Dr. Crippen did
heap disdain upon
Iain Dale.
The twenty-seventh submission.
And there was no working, because it was an absolutely glorious weekend day, with bright skies, mild temperatures, and an
Ultimate Frisbee tournament to attend; and there was eating and there was sleeping; the fifth day.
Nurse Ratched did weep and cry and was
greatly distressed at the sorry selection of garments available to cover her nakedness (without making her look fat or stupid or inappropriate.)
The twenty-eighth submission.
Mind, Soul and Body did ask if medicine was
losing its credibility.
The twenty-ninth submission.
And David Harlow of
HealthBlawg did discuss a study that claimed
Massachusetts medical malpractice insurance premiums aren't as bad as we think.
The thirtieth submission.
And Joshua Schwimmer, a
man of many links, did announce his creation of a
medical wiki and present a
slideshow of Life Hacks for Doctors.
The thirty-first and thirty-second submissions.
And there was no working -- unless you include the laundering of clothes and the shopping for food and the vacuuming of rugs; but there was much sleeping; the sixth day.
Then Jonathan Foulds of
Freedom from Smoking did discuss
comprehensive tobacco control.
The thirty-third submission.
And Louise of
Colorado Health Insurance Insider did wax indignant over the limitations of recent pending legislation about
disclosures of gifts made to doctors.
The thirty-fourth submission.
And the great and powerful Orac did expound at
Respectfully Insolent length and with great dismay about
a more "fluid" concept of evidence -- at Yale, of all places. And it was very good. (The posting, that is; not the sad decline of the Ivy League.)
The thirty-fifth submission.
And David Gorski of
Science-Based Medicine did explain in great detail why early detection of cancer and improved survival is
more complicated than it appears.
The thirty-sixth submission.
And Christine's mother, guest-blogging on
But You Don't Look Sick, did share
10 lessons her daughter has taught her. And it was very good indeed.
The thirty-seventh submission.
And there was working and there was sleeping; seven days; seven days of emails and editing and drafting and posting; seven days of great amusement; seven long days.
And Grand Rounds 4:35 came to an end; but Grand Rounds is eternal, and will be hosted next week at
Parallel Universes (of all places.) Thanks be to Nick Genes and all who submitted. And let us say: